What is Coaching?

Coaching is a partnership and about discovering opportunities through exploration, curiosity and openness. It’s like having a sidekick on your journey of self-discovery and growth. It's about creating a safe space where we can explore your aspirations, challenges and dreams together.

I see coaching as a transformative process where we unlock your inner wisdom and potential, helping you gain fresh perspectives and insights. As your coach, I'm here to support you every step of the way, just like a trusted friend or mentor.

Together, we'll craft a personalized plan to navigate through obstacles and turn your goals into reality. I'm truly honored to be a part of your self-discovery journey, and I can't wait to see the amazing transformations we'll achieve together.

  • There is a difference between leaders and bosses. How do you wish to define your role?

  • The professional path we choose has a profound impact on our personal lives and well being. Which path are you on?

  • Creatives have a gift to translate self-expression into something bigger than themselves. What is yours?


My approach.

It starts within.

Finding the path to yourself is living from the inside out. The outer will fall into place once you have done the inner work.

What is holding you back from living your best life? 

This may be hard to answer on your own, but working together we explore the depth of questions like these. Through mindset and vision work, you can learn what may be blocking your path and explore how to live a life in alignment with your values and principles.

Are you ready to embark on an explorative playful and creative journey to your inner self?

I am here to support your process, helping you get clear on what holds you back so you can move forward with confidence and ease. Offering tools for self-discovery, development and expansion, I do not follow a predefined solution path or clichéd step by step approach. Instead, my approach is holistic, solution-focused and based in mindfulness and systemic training. I help you reach a place of deep clarity and understanding, while providing you with confidence to ignite a powerful, inner transformation. It is my mission to help people realize and embody their ultimate creative potential. I do this by asking powerful questions, and with your permission, challenging the status quo and sharing new perspectives in our coaching sessions.

My clients.

I have served hundreds of clients with tailored coaching processes. These professionals range from young team leaders, creatives to founders and the C-suite. I support leaders, employees and individuals on topics such as self-awareness and -reflection, decision-making, strengths, competencies, resources, career path, long-term vision, values, empowerment and confidence.

In my work I focus on helping each person I coach define and leverage their unique abilities. I facilitate my clients to explore their talents, achieve their desired goals and raise their performance bar. My clients are highly motivated, driven and deeply curious about themselves and the world around them and are committed to their learning and development.

Coaching Process.

Coaching Realisation

The coaching process begins with you. You realise that there is an area in your life that you would like to better understand, change or improve.

Clarity Call

After you reach out, we schedule a Clarity Call to see if we’re a good fit and how I can best support you.

Goal Setting

We define the foundation of our working relationship and set out a clear roadmap for the coaching process.

Coaching Journey

The journey begins. I get to ask you questions, you explore and learn more about yourself and your goal(s). We design small experiments, you begin to try out new things outside of the sessions, thereby gaining new insights and perspective. With your permission I share my intuition with you. You do different activities and exercises to get closer to your goal(s), all whilst I provide a safe and open space for reflection, discussion and action.


We do a feedback session reflecting how the journey went. We highlight your biggest learnings and take-aways and celebrate your progress and achievements, and carve out possible next steps.

You are not alone.

Do you recognize yourself in one of these questions? Then you are not alone. These are typical initial situations that I work on with my clients during our coaching. With a degree in sociology and training as a systemic coach and design thinker, I have been working as an independent management consultant and coach since 2015. My coaching style is empathic, colourful, solution-oriented, collaborative and always appreciative.